Valvulas CT

Design and manufacture of high quality float valve in Spain
3 Years Warranty For Sea Water (咸水系統提供 3年保證書)
10 Years Warranty For Potable Water (食水系統供 10年保證書)

All About Valvulas CT
Valvulas are a team specializing in the design and manufacture of high quality float valve in Spain.
With over 25 years of experience, we provide innovative solutions to projects requiring reliable ball float valves.
Valvulas 是西班牙專業設計和製造高品質浮球閥的團隊。
憑藉超過 25 年的經驗,我們為需要可靠浮球閥的項目提供創新解決方案。
Patented Lock Design : (專利鎖設計:)
Equilibrium Lever arm principle with swing shutter minimizing force from the float ball.
Full Bore and Non-clog Design : (全通徑和無堵塞設計:)
100% unrestricted flow area allows passage of large solids minimizing the potential for clogging.
100% 不受限制的流動面積允許大固體通過,最大限度地減少堵塞的可能性。
Model number 型號號碼:
咸水Flushing Water: 200B-RPHS
316 stainless steel body ball float valve, C/WReinforce 316S.S. Lever & Spherical Float ball (spherical passant Buoy), DINFlanged to PN16.W/P:16 bar(DN50-100 WSD GA No.: C20170481, DN150 WSD GA No.:C20180367)
食水Potable Water: 200B-RPH
Duplex Stainless Steel body ball float valve, C/WReinforce 316S.S. Lever & Spherical Float ball (spherical passant Buoy), DINFlanged to PN16